Impart Hazard-Free Feeding Experience To Your Little One With Feeders
When foreign objects get stuck in the throat of children, they are often unable to breathe, and this is choking. Choking and suffocation is a very common accident that occurs in children while feeding them. Children are extremely notorious at certain times, and feeding them is tedious for such children’s parents. Due to too much fidgeting and naughtiness during mealtime, choking accidents might occur, causing a lot of discomforts accompanied by vomiting in children. Feeders are instruments that impart safety to children while they have food. Safe-O-Kid introduces fresh food feeders for kids, which are designed to help parents in a way so that their feeding experience becomes smooth and peaceful.
Why Choose Fresh Feeder From Our Company?
The fruit feeder that our company produces is completely hygienic and safe from any kind of impurities. The raw material used for making the same is free of BPA and hence is completely non-toxic. Babies can suck the feeder quite easily without any discomfort and can also chew the safe and tiny particles of food that are caught in the mesh of the feeder during feeding. The feeder available at our company has a cover that keeps the food clean, and the feeder can be very easily cleaned as well as sterilized without much effort.
The baby fruit feeder which we produce at our company is made in a manner so that kids can enjoy any kind of solid fruits, as well as vegetables and parents, can stay tension-free without the fear of the foods getting choked or hurting the mouth. The fruit feeder is travel-friendly, and hence your kids need not remain hungry at the time of the journey with the fear of foods getting choked.
How To Use A Baby Fruit Feeder?
To use the feeders, you may encompass the following steps that are very easy and user-friendly-
- Open the secure snap-lock’s mouth, put the solid pieces of cut fruits and veggies or meat and fish inside the feeder made of 100% silicone, and close the snap’s mouth.
- The baby can suck, chew, and enjoy himself while relishing the healthy solid foods’ wholesomeness and goodness from within the mesh.
- Feeding the baby with the help of a feeder is a potential way to inculcate the habit of self-feeding among kids. It inspires the little ones.
However, while using feeders to feed babies, parents and caregivers must always keep the following points in mind-
- The feeder as a product is not a toy or alternative od supervision by adults. Hence parents, shall never give the same to children and leave it unattended.
- The feeder should always be washed before using it.
- Parents or caregivers must store the equipment under hygienic conditions.
- For sterilization, you should use boiling water, microwave the equipment or use any kind of sterilization method that involves high temperature. This will lead to disinfection of the feeder, making it safe for the next use.
Now the question arises that at what age can parents introduce their babies to feeders? Usually, experts and pediatricians recommend that babies who are six months of age and above can be introduced to baby food feeders as this is the age when there is a transition in kids from liquid to solid foods. In this time, a huge world of possibilities opens up for the kids to explore different varieties of foods. With the help of a food feeder from our company, your little munchkin can enjoy tasty finger foods as well. Such feeders can also be used as a toy of teething for infants. It is due to the simple mesh design, and the teething feeder enables babies to gnaw on foods while having the feeder placed in their mouth, and it is safe.
While it is very convenient for parents to keep their babies calm with the help of feeders, they must not allow overusing the feeder. Experts recommend limiting the usage of the feeder to certain intervals or frequencies to avoid the inculcation of dependency of the kids on the feeder. As the child grows, he or she should be gradually introduced to feeding with spoons as well. This will enable them to identify their feeling of satiety, and accordingly, they can pace themselves.
Following are some of the tips which can help parents use the baby food feeders safely-
- Do Not Save The Leftovers:- This should be avoided as the food left in the mesh will contain bacterial contamination from the saliva of the baby’s mouth. If multiplied, it will eventually cause food-borne illnesses.
- Do Not Make The Feeder A Distraction:- Parents should restrict the usage of the feeder to only the meal times and not distract the baby when he is irritated or bored.
- Parents Should Know When To Stop Eating With Feeder:- Parents must retire the feeder from the mouth of the kid after the age of 1 year. This is when children should be taught table manners as well.
At our company, we aim to create a surrounding for the kids where their growth can be fostered in a very healthy and happy manner. If you avail the products from our company, you will not have to worry about any kinds of dangers which they can face. Our happy customers bestow immense trust and reliability on us, and it is their trust which drives motivation to our employees for working with enhanced commitment and diligence.
We are always engaged in research and innovative development where we are updating our services and products constantly to keep up with your kids’ safety needs. We believe every child is unique, and they cannot be considered to grow in the same pattern. This is why we are coming up with several ideas with specific options that will cater to the needs of the baby’s safety and security needs. Our company’s vision is to always keep the children safe and protected from any kind of hazards that might come their way.
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